Thursday, September 15, 2016

Lose Weight: The Best Ways To Lose Weight Quickly and Healthily

Eliminates extra calories

If you want to lose weight, especially quickly, you need to eliminate some calories from your diet. Cutting calories from the body is one of the main methods for weight loss.
If you cut 500 calories a day, you lose 1/2 or 1 kg (1 or 2 pounds) a week. Losing weight at this rate you will achieve your goal in two and a half to three months. 
You could cut more calories, but it is not advisable to follow a very low-calorie diet. If you do not eat enough during the day, you run the risk of losing lean muscle mass and suffer nutritional deficiencies. Also, you can make the weight loss is slower and not lasting long term. 
Use a food diary online or an application for the cell, in order to count the calories you eat throughout the day and keep track of everything you eat.

Decreased carbohydrate intake

Many studies show that if you want to lose weight faster on a diet, you must follow a low carbohydrate diet.
Low carbohydrate diets are eating plans that focus on minimizing total carbohydrate intake throughout the day. These favor RAPID WEIGHT LOSS and have proven to be specifical to lose more fat useful.
Carbohydrates are present in a variety of foods like fruits, starchy vegetables, legumes, dairy products and grains.

Since they are widespread, it is not advisable to follow a diet with little or no carbohydrates because you will be depriving yourself of a wide variety of nutrients.
Instead of limiting each of these food groups, minimizes most carbohydrate - rich groups and those whose nutrients can get from other foods. Limit your consumption of grains (such as bread, rice, pasta, crackers or tortillas), fruits loaded with sugar and starchy vegetables.
If you decide to consume a portion of carbohydrate - rich foods such respects the right portion sizes 1/2 cup or 30 g (1 oz) of grain, 1 cup starchy vegetables  and 1/2 cup of fruit.

  • Fill up with agricultural products and lean proteins. Proteins and agricultural products (fruits and vegetables) are low in calories and rich in many nutrients. Together, they constitute an excellent combination for weight loss.
  • Protein is essential for food and weight loss. Contributes to the functioning of the body, maintaining lean muscle mass and keeps you feeling satisfied longer during the day.
  • Includes a protein portion of 85 or 115 g (3 or 4 ounces) at each meal and snack.  Try the following: eggs, poultry, lean beef, pork, seafood, tofu or dairy products low - fat.
  • Fruits, vegetables are more in fiber and other nutrients, while low in calories. In addition to proteins, can increase the consistency of meals and make you feel satisfied with fewer calories.
  • Limit snacks. Eating a snack occasionally can be part of a nutritious DIET TO LOSE WEIGHT. However, excessive snacks can make you gain weight. Be careful with the amount you eat snacks while trying to lose weight.

If you want to lose weight quickly, limiting as much as possible sandwiches. These extra calories can delay weight loss.
If you include a sandwich, you should not exceed 100 calories per sandwich.
In addition, only eat a snack if you are hungry and you feel you need one or you need an energy boost before or after an intense workout.
Examples of nutritious and low-calorie snacks are a small fruit, Greek yogurt low in single fat, 30 g (1 oz) of assorted nuts or a boiled egg.

  • Fill up with water. Water is an excellent drink to help you lose weight. Contrary to popular belief, water retention and swelling are due to the lack of sufficient water, not too much of it. Therefore, fill yourself with this drink without calories to avoid gaining extra fluid weight.
  • Try to take at least 8 to 13 glasses of water or other unsweetened drinks per day. You can also test the water and decaffeinated coffee or tea without sugar.
  • If you dehydrate, even a little, you could actually feel hungry when you are thirsty alone. To avoid this mistake respects the rule of 8-13 vessels.

Also, take a large glass of water before a meal or when you get hungry you can make the stomach feel full and eat less.
Limit or avoid sugary drinks, alcohol or drinks with calories. Liquid calories can easily bring down all your efforts to lose weight.


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